NFT Guild Fund 11 Proposals

Two years focusing on standards and development in the Cardano NFT ecosystem have equipped us with unique perspectives and concepts.

We have recognized several challenging issues and are introducing our proposed solutions as F11 Catalyst Proposals.

NFT Guild: Multi-Marketplace NFT Listings - A New Open-Standard for Cardano

Challenge: Cardano Use Cases: Concept

Requested Funds: 88,200 ADA

NFTs on Cardano are confined to single marketplace listings, impeding fair competition, curbing artist visibility, limiting seller options and reducing opportunities for developers.

Develop a standard for a neutral smart contract-based service allowing multi-marketplace listing of NFTs, enhancing exposure, preventing marketplace monopolization and increasing opportunities.

NFT Guild: Open-Source NFT Swap Templates (Phase 2)

Challenge: Cardano Open: Developers

Requested Funds: 199,686 ADA

NFT projects on Cardano are missing easy-to-implement solutions that promote long-term collector engagement and collection completion.

We will develop and open-source NFT swap smart contract templates, coupled with supporting off-chain code and UIs, designed for easy adoption by any Cardano NFT project.

NFT Guild: Developer Roundtables & Open Community Calls

Challenge: Cardano Open: Ecosystem

Requested Funds: 162,000 ADA

Working in silos leads to fragmented efforts within the Cardano NFT community, inhibiting effective standards setting, projects alignment and the development of common tools.

The NFT Guild will organise community calls and roundtables to identify common problems, coordinate efforts and create spaces for project presentations.

NFT Guild: Developer Education Initiatives

Challenge: Cardano Open: Ecosystem

Requested Funds: 194,920 ADA

Navigating the NFT ecosystem can be complex for developers new to Cardano. Access to concise, clear technical guidance and insights is limited.

The 'NFT Guild: Developer Education Initiatives' will provide easy-to-understand NFT Help Desk support and succinct, informative videos summarizing key Roundtable insights.

Writing and submitting Project Catalyst proposals is just the start of our work.

We have several project and initiatives in development.

You can get a clearer picture by taking a look at the records of our weekly open meetings.