
NFT Swap Infrastructure Templates - NFT Guild Roundtable #26

The first NFT infrastructure project developed under the umbrella of the NFT Guild recreates that, but on-chain using Cardano smart contracts.

The NFT Swap Infrastructure Templates were the topic of the 26th NFT Guild Roundtable.

Developed by CENT and New Mindflow, the NFT Swap Templates are a series of open-source smart contracts and matching off-chain and front-end code. They enable any NFT project in the Cardano ecosystem to deploy a service that will empower collectors to complete their collections and creates an entirely new way of interacting with Cardano NFTs. The templates are easily adaptable and implementable by any NFT project in the Cardano space. To ensure this, we have created a 1-click deployment for the swap pool smart contracts.

Project GitHub

Cardano Mainnet Concept dApp



DripDropz: Leveraging The Cardano Rewards Layer for NFT Projects - NFT Guild Roundtable 25