
Community Integration with HAZELnet by Nils Codes - NFT Guild Roundtable 21

HAZELnet is an innovative Discord bot for Cardano that offers features like secure cross-server address verification, scam protection, automatic role assignments for token holders and delegators, whitelist management, and more. Moreover, the bot is open-source and free to use, ensuring transparency and collective improvement.

During the event, Nils presented, and we talked about, the technology and motivation behind creating HAZELnet bot, which addresses, among others, the issues of privacy, user experience, and security concerns for NFT projects, stake pools and Cardano DAOs. Learn how HAZELnet streamlines project management and improves community interaction on Discord and all the integrations Nils built into it.



NFT Logins and Token Gating w/ Naptcha by Seamoss - NFT Guild Roundtable 22


CIP 71 - NFT Proxy Voting Standard w/ Thaddeus Diamond - NFT Guild Round Table 20